L’immagine della donna del 21° secolo è sicura di sé, prospera, splendente di salute e bellezza. Ma per molti dei 3,3 miliardi di occupanti donne del nostro pianeta, i vantaggi dell’era cibernetica non sono mai arrivati. Poiché ogni anno si celebra la Giornata internazionale della donna, continuano a subire la secolare frustata di violenza, repressione, isolamento, ignoranza forzata e discriminazione. Molti paesi, là nel mondo, vittime di violenza contro le donne. L’India è in cima ai peggiori paesi al mondo per le donne in un sondaggio condotto dalla Thomson Reuters Foundation.

Ecco la lista dei 10 peggiori paesi al mondo per le donne.

Contenuto estivo

  • 10. Stati Uniti
  • 9. Nigeria
  • 8. Yemen
  • 7. Repubblica Democratica del Congo
  • 6. Pakistan
  • 5. Arabia Saudita
  • 4. Somalia
  • 3. Siria
  • 2. Afghanistan
  • 1. India

10. Stati Uniti

L’unica nazione occidentale nella top 10 sono stati gli Stati Uniti, dove le donne erano maggiormente a rischio di violenza sessuale, molestie, essere costrette a fare sesso e la mancanza di accesso alla giustizia nei casi di stupro.

Il sondaggio è arrivato dopo che la campagna #MeToo è diventata virale l’anno scorso, con migliaia di donne che hanno utilizzato il movimento dei social media per condividere storie di molestie o abusi sessuali. Inoltre, gli Stati Uniti sono al primo posto per i crimini di stupro nel mondo.

9. Nigeria

Classificato come il nono peggior paese per le donne, con gruppi per i diritti umani che accusano l’esercito del paese di tortura, stupro e uccisione di civili durante una lotta durata nove anni contro i militanti di Boko Haram. La Nigeria è stata anche nominata il paese più pericoloso del mondo per quanto riguarda la tratta di esseri umani e i rischi che le donne devono affrontare a causa delle pratiche tradizionali.

8. Yemen

Eighth in the list of worst countries for women, due to the poor access to healthcare, economic resources, risk from cultural and traditional practices, and non-sexual violence. Due to the ongoing armed conflict in Yemen, Yemen is undergoing a humanitarian crisis worldwide with 22 million people in need of vital assistance. Also, women and girls have been left vulnerable to inhumane violence, physical and psychological abuse and exploitation.

Yemen has been at civil war for three years after Houthi rebels backed by Iran seized much of the country, including the capital, Sana’a. But here is another thing that really matters: Yemen is one of the hungriest places in the world even hungrier. It is a famine-level humanitarian crisis, without the charity concerts.

7. Democratic Republic of Congo

After years of factional bloodshed and lawlessness, the country listed as seventh worst country for women as regards sexual violence. In the eastern DRC, a war that claimed more than 3 million lives has ignited again, with women on the front-line. Many others were victims of direct attacks and violence perpetrated by the warring parties or by rogue armed militias.

Women in the Congo face especially harsh realities; around 1,100 are raped every day. Since 1996, more than 200,000 rapes have been reported in the country. 57% of pregnant women are anaemic; women can not sign legal documents without their husbands’ authorization.

6. Pakistan

Sixth most dangerous country for women in the world. In some tribal areas, women are gang raped as punishment for men’s crimes. But honor killing is more widespread, and a renewed wave of religious extremism is targeting female politicians, human rights workers and lawyers. Women are victims of violence and abuse, and the country still lacks a law against domestic violence. Last year the country saw around 1000 honor killings of women and girls, a practice that has been exported to the West.

Pakistan is ranked amongst worst countries for women in terms of economic resources and discrimination as well as the risks women face from cultural, religious and traditional practices, including so-called honour killings. The country also ranked for non-sexual violence, including domestic abuse. In Pakistan, 90 percent of women experience domestic violence in their lifetimes.

5. Saudi Arabia

The kingdom of Saudi is ranked fifth dangerous place in terms of economic access and discrimination, including in the workplace and in terms of property rights. According to Ahlam Akram, founder of British Arabs Supporting Universal Women’s Rights;

“One of the worst laws that prevent women from having equal opportunities is guardianship – because every woman is subjected to a male guardian. She cannot get a passport, cannot travel, sometimes she cannot work,”.

4. Somalia

Somalia, where more than two decades of war has put women, who were the traditional ministry of the family, under attack. The war fuelled a culture of violence. In Somalia, 95% of girls face genital mutilation mostly between the ages of 4 and 11. Only 7% of parliament seats are held by women. In addition, only 9% of women give birth in a health facility.

Somalia named fourth dangerous in terms of access to healthcare and for putting them at risk of harmful cultural and traditional practices. Also one of the worst countries for women in terms of having access to economic resources.

3. Syria

The civil war raging in Syria since 2011 shows no sign of abating. According to the BBC report, Syrian women were being sexually exploited in return for humanitarian aid.

Ranked as third most dangerous country for women in terms of access to healthcare and both sexual and non-sexual violence. There are so many dangers for girls and women. The country is on the risks women face of sexual abuse.

The executive director of Women Now For Development, Maria Al Abdeh said:

“There is sexual violence by government forces. Domestic violence and child marriage are increasing and more women are dying in childbirth. The tragedy is nowhere near an end.”

2. Afghanistan

Second in the list of worst countries for women in the world. In Afghanistan, women were stripped of their rights nearly 17 years after the overthrow of the Taliban. Gender-based violence is rampant, more than 80% of women are illiterate, and many die in childbirth.

The average Afghan girl will live to only 45 – one year less than an Afghan male. After three decades of war and repression, an overwhelming number of women remain illiterate in Afghanistan. Afghan girls are also discouraged, sometimes fatally, from seeking an education and Afghan rape victims can be forced, by law, to marry their attacker.

More than half of all brides are under 16, and one women dies in childbirth every half an hour. A large majority, up to 85 percent, of women in Afghanistan give birth with no medical attention. It is the country with the highest maternal mortality rate in the world.

Ranked as the worst country for women in three areas – non-sexual violence, access to healthcare, and access to economic resources. Also, according to the 2018 Women, Peace and Security Index, Afghanistan is the worst place to be a woman.

1. India

Tops the list of worst countries for women, due to the high risk of sexual violence and slave labor, according to a survey conducted by the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

The world’s fastest growing economy is shamed for violence committed against women. A crime against a women is committed every three minutes. A women is raped every 29 minutes, a dowry death occurs every 77 minutes and one case of cruelty committed by either the husband or relative of the victim occurs every nine minutes.

50 million girls were killed in the past century in the practice of female infanticide or foeticide. Around 100 million women and girls are estimated to be victim of human trafficking; 44.5 percent of girls are married before the age of 18.

India ranked as the most dangerous country for women on three issues; Cultural traditions, sexual violence and human trafficking. Domestic violence in India is endemic and widespread predominantly against women. Around 70% of women in India are victims of violence includes; Rape, marital rapes, sexual assault and harassment, cultural and traditional practices, and human trafficking including forced labor, sex slavery and domestic servitude.