Some jobs come with considerable advantages and perks, while others with such hideous disadvantages that it becomes impossible to go to work every day without letting it affect your health. Therefore, here’s a list of the 10 jobs that are just about the worst jobs for your health. Check them out:

Content Summery

    • 10. Radiologists
    • 9. Elevator Installers and Repairers
    • 8. Critical Care Nurses
    • 7. Derrick Operators (Oil and Gas)
    • 6. Water and Wastewater Treatment
    • 5. Podiatrists
    • 4. Veterinarians
    • 3. Mining
    • 2. Flight Attendants
    • 1. Dentists
  • 10 Worst Jobs for your Health

10. Radiologists

This job significantly
damages your health because of a lot of reasons. Since Radiologists perform x-rays on people to find out broken bones or diseases in their bodies, they expose themselves to the radiation too, which is much more than what one single patient goes through during an X-ray. They are also highly exposed to diseases and infections because of working with patients. Cancer is one of the most common diseases contracted by Radiologists all over the world.

9. Elevator Installers and Repairers

Questo lavoro è tra i peggiori ed è anche molto rischioso per chiunque e per tutti. L’installazione di un ascensore non è un compito facile e include la gestione dei cavi e dell’elettricità. Le persone impiegate in questa professione potrebbero subire scosse elettriche, tagli e ustioni, rischio di morte durante l’installazione o la riparazione dell’ascensore, ecc. Vale anche la pena ricordare qui che lavorano in cattive condizioni di lavoro che hanno anche un impatto negativo sulla loro salute.

8. Infermieri di terapia intensiva

La terapia intensiva e la terapia intensiva sono le aree sensibili di tutti gli ospedali in cui vengono curati i pazienti con malattie gravi. Ecco perché gli infermieri di terapia intensiva corrono un rischio molto maggiore poiché sono costantemente e regolarmente esposti a contaminanti pericolosi e radiazioni nell’unità di terapia intensiva. Possono essere
infettati da malattie che stanno curando i loro pazienti.

7. Operatori Derrick (petrolio e gas)

Il loro lavoro di base consiste nell’attrezzare macchine derrick e regolare le pompe per mantenere una circolazione continua del fango attraverso un foro in esso. Ciò che rende questo uno dei lavori peggiori per la tua salute è l’esposizione a ustioni, tagli, morsi e punture. Inoltre, rende i lavoratori vulnerabili a condizioni di lavoro pericolose.

6. Trattamento delle acque e delle acque reflue

The person’s job is to maintain and regulate a single machine or a series of devices to treat water or waste water. The position makes the person vulnerable to contaminants and many water-borne diseases such as typhoid, cholera as well dengue which happens due to the accumulation of water in one place. They are also often exposed to minor cuts, burns, stings, and bites.

5. Podiatrists

In a profession like this one, a person goes through the human foot and its diseases as well as deformities to find out what is wrong with it and the person itself. Several occupational related complaints have been reported regarding exposure of nail dust. Biological dust from the foot may deposit into the respiratory system, nose, and conjunctiva. Because, Podiatrists expose themselves to dust, they are also vulnerable to conjunctivitis, itching, tearing asthma attack, and coughing.

4. Veterinarians

The job of a vet is to treat injured or sick animals of all kinds. These animals can be brought in by humans as their pets or sometimes even stray animals can be brought in. Vets expose themselves to unknown threats and contaminants that transfer to them through the sick or
injured animals that they treat. They are also exposed to infections and flu from the animals.

3. Mining

Mining has always been one of the worst jobs for your health too, but it doesn’t have to be the unsafe job. Probabilities of miners’ dying are ever-present resulting from explosions, cave-ins, and equipment accident. Miners are exposed to burns, cuts, bites as well as some infections due to exposure to unhealthy and hazardous work conditions. In addition to this, miners face many health dangers like working in hazardous gases, dust, fumes and loud noises.

2. Flight Attendants

Saying that this job falls under the jobs that damage your health might come off as a surprise to you but it is one of the unhealthiest jobs that you can ever do. Providing help to many unknown people, holding their baggage, etc. can lead to exposure to contaminants and infections of many kinds. It is also one of the worst health impacting jobs when it comes to the timings, as there are no fixed timings of this job which deteriorates one’s health majorly.

1. Dentists

This is one of the highest paying, but worst jobs in the world as it poses a huge health threat to the dentists. The dental material, lubricating oil, solvents and X-ray processing chemicals may cause skin infection. Similarly sharp objects used during the process can result in viral infections such as hepatitis B.

These occupations, listed above, are considered to be worst for health and may lead to several psychological and biological problems, yet if those professionals implement precautionary measures while performing their job and can save themselves from these issues to lead the healthy life.

10 Worst Jobs for your Health

  1. Dentists
  2. Flight Attendants
  3. Mining
  4. Veterinarians
  5. Podiatrists
  6. Water and Wastewater Treatment
  7. Derrick Operators (Oil and Gas)
  8. Critical Care Nurses
  9. Elevator Installers and Repairers
  10. Radiologists